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MGEF - Septemeber 2001

Call: W2SZ/1
Location: Mt. Greylock, Adams, Massachussetts
Grid: FN32
Category: Unlimited Multioperator
50 873 873 86
144 953 953 87
222 351 702 66
432 590 1180 74
903 144 432 40
1.2 177 531 44
2.3 127 508 38
3.4 87 348 31
5.7 73 292 26
10G 72 288 14
24G 26 104 8
47G 2 8 1
75G 1 4 1
LHT 2 8 1
TOTALS 3,478 6,231
TOTAL SCORE = 3,221,427

After another beautiful weekend on Mount Greylock we have come away with an all time record score! Band conditions were phenomenal during most of the contest with some very long lasting tropo. By the middle of the contest it was becoming very obvious that this was not a "normal" contest... the grids and Q's were piling up rapidly.

After it was all said and done the total score was over 3 million points and there was much celebration going on. What a year, first we see over 2M points in June and then this score beats that one! It was a pair of contests that will not quickly be forgotten!

Because of the amazing conditions during the contest the grid counts for 2m, 220, and 432 were huge this contest. In addition there was a 1050km QSO with W4DEX on 10GHz!

You can take a look at the gridmaps for the 144MHz, 220MHz, 432MHz, and 10GHz bands.

[View from monumnet]
View from the top of the monument
[Tower assembly]
Tower assembly begins
[Bare towers]
Bare towers waiting for antennas
[Bare towers]
Sunset atop Mt. Greylock
[Bare towers]
WA2AAU puts the finishing touches on 2/3/5 main tower
[Bare towers]
MGEF's captive rovers
[Bare towers]
Some of the crew enjoy a little down time before the start of the contest
[MGEF Crew]
Part of the MGEF crew at the end of the contest
One happy bunch after the score was tallied for 3M+ points!

Page last updated: 1-Jan-2003 by K2JJB