MGEF: September 2001
Front row (L to R): WA1ZMS, N2BNY
Second row (L to R): K1EP, KC2FQD, KB0WJO, N2YCA, N1SZ, W1VE, W1SZ, N1SV, K2AD, WA2SPL, WA2AAU
Back row (L to R): W1RZF, K2JJB, N2XRE
Page last updated: 20-Jun-2003 by K2JJB
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Front row (L to R): WA1ZMS, N2BNY
Second row (L to R): K1EP, KC2FQD, KB0WJO, N2YCA, N1SZ, W1VE, W1SZ, N1SV, K2AD, WA2SPL, WA2AAU
Back row (L to R): W1RZF, K2JJB, N2XRE
Page last updated: 20-Jun-2003 by K2JJB