- About MGEF
- a brief history
- a partial group roster
- a photographic time line
- some general pictures of the group
- Reference materials
- AML S80PCSA Amplifier in amateur radio service
- Downloadable DRG file and geographic information sites
- WA2AAU's Microwave Update 2000 presentation: "Will this Rover Site Make the Path"
- WA1ZMS' presentation "An Example of Gear for the 145GHz Amateur Band" talks about 145GHz operations and considerations
- Accomplishments
- A new distance record for 322GHz!
- North American and World distance record (79.6km) and VUCC#1 for 241GHz!
- World and NA distance record and VUCC #1 on the new 122GHz amateur allocation
- First NA QSO on >400 GHz
- North American and World Distance Record for 120GHz
- North American Distance Record for 3456MHz
- North American and World Distance Record for 145GHz
- World Distance Record for 241GHz
- North American Distance Records for 241GHz and 322GHz
- The write up of the world's first VUCC on 75 GHz.
- The write up for MGEF members WA1ZMS and K2AD's QSO for a 47 GHz N.A. distance record and VUCC #1 on that band
- W2SZ - The RPI Amateur Radio Club
- Nature's Classroom - The folks that now run Bascom Lodge at the top of Mount Greylock.
- VE2PIJ has a wonderful VHF+ Weak Signal Site with very useful grid square, award, and general VHF+ information!
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
- NS9E's VHF contesting page
- N.E.W.S. Home Page
- Northern Berkshire ARC (NoBARC)
- N1MU/Rover
- The Rochester VHF group
- The Pacific Northwest VHF Society
- K2GXT - The RIT Amateur Radio
Some other Multi-multi stations...
![[220 tower]](images/sep02_220flag_sm.jpg)