Name: Dick Frey
Callsign (ex-call): WA2AAU (WB2BXP)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: 2,3,5 GHz main
station, equipment maintenance, scheduling, primary organizer
Home QTH: Delanson, NY (FN22vr)
First Contest with W2SZ/1: September 1969 (before the W2SZ/1 call
was used by the group)
Ham Activities: building microwave gear
Non-Ham Activities: skiing, hiking
Name: John Zapisek
Callsign: K2MM and WA1MUG
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: (intermittent)
Home QTH: San Fransisco, CA (CM87ss)
Profession: SW/HW/RF Bum
First Contest with W2SZ/1: Slide Mountain, 1969
Ham Activities: CQWW Internet Log Server
Non-Ham Activities: Support local SF music
E-mail: jzap @t
Web page URL:
Name: Fred Lass
Callsign (ex-call): K2TR (KB2OEU)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: 6M operations
Home QTH: Altamont, NY (FN22)
First Contest with W2SZ/1: Slide Mountain, 1969
First Contest on Mt. Greylock: September 1969
First VHF Contest: September 1964 - 2 meters only
Ham Activities:
Have a low band contest station with three towers
110' tower - 6/6 on 20, 7 el on 6 meters, 4/4 on 15, inv-v on 80 at 80'
120' tower - 7/4/4 on 15, 4/4 on 20, one end of 4 element delta loop on 80
140' tower - 3/3 on 40, inv-v on 160 at 135', 6/6/4/4 on 10, other end of 80 meter delta loop
Have won CQWW SSB single op as K2TR.
Have won SS both modes at KP2A and KP4Q.
Have won many ARRL multi-2 contests.
Operated at W2PV, mostly 20 and 10 meters.
One September I skipped the VHF contest and won WAE SSB single op USA.
Participated in several winning YCCC field day events.
Best First Hour Q rate: September 2001 - 128 QSOs
Name: Joe Krone
Callsign (ex-call): WA2SPL (WV2SPL, HL9TM, XU8AA, SPL/KH6, SPL/KL7, SPL/KR6, SPL/KH7, P42E)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: main 432 OP, also relief op other bands
Home QTH: Alburg, VT (FN35ja)
Profession: Operations Manager WPTZ-TV (Burlington VT-Plattsburgh NY), WNNE-TV
First Contest with W2SZ/1: Can't remember! Have been on Greylock since 1959 with various groups that preceeded W2SZ/1 with a 3 year gap '62-'65 in Army Signal Corps in South East Asia
Ham Activities: NTS CW Traffic Nets, DX'ing on HF Bands, Chasing "Grids" on six meters from a modest station at home QTH (100w 5 el yagi @ 30')
Non-Ham Activities: Volunteer Fireman and EMT-I (VT) / EMT-CC (NY)
E-mail: jkrone @t
Other: Working toward National Registry Paramedic level EMT...only 1,000 more hours of E.R. / O.R. time to go!
Name: Don Huntington
Callsign (ex-call): K1DH (WA1IQJ)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: 6m operations
Home QTH: East Hartland, CT (FN32)
Profession: sales and service of two way radio systems
First Contest with W2SZ/1: September 1970 (w/ WA1MUG)
Ham Activities: VHF and DX
Non-Ham Activities: computer, reading
E-mail: k1dh @t OR k1dh1 @t
Name: Robert Fries
Callsign: WA8USA
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: welding, Linux based logging aids, testing trailers for dynamic stability and road holding ability
Home QTH: New Hartford, NY (FN23ib)
Profession: Electrical Engineer - Digital Signal Processing
First Contest with W2SZ/1: 1971
Ham Activities: VHF/UHF contests
Non-Ham Activities: Kayaking, Hiking, Photography
E-mail: rwfries @t
Name: Roger S. Miner
Callsign (ex-call): K1DQV (KN1DQV)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: old but helpful......
Home QTH:145 Crystal spring Drive, Ashton, MD 20861 (FM19)
Profession: Satellite communications. (commercial)
First Contest with W2SZ/1: September 1972
Ham Activities: Hi power amps & big Antennas
Telrex Big Bertha: 2 el 80, 6 el 15, 6 el 20, 4 el 40, 8 el 10. (See K1DQV pix at
Non-Ham Activities:Old cars - 1930 Ford 2dr sedan, 1931 Ford Pick-up truck
E-mail: grminer @t, roger.miner @t
Web page URL (work)
Other: old & decrepit.......
Name: Ellis Foley
Callsign: WA1RKS
Home QTH: Stephentown, NY (FN32hn)
Profession: Sales & Service TVRO Satellite Systems
First Contest with W2SZ/1: Pre-Group 1972, WA1MUG 6m
Ham Activities: VHF,6m,2m,432,Satellites leos
Non-Ham Activities: Chess and Bass Fishing
E-mail: wa1rks @t
Web page URL:
Other: First Contest setup 6m FM,worked few more over the years with
Don,K1DH. Been inactive from hill later years. Chase both ends of spectrum,
Sats,and NDB's.! 73 Gud Dx! de Ellis.
Name: Ed Parish
Callsign (ex-call): K1EP
(WA2SCA, J3/K1EP, HB9/K1EP, TI5/K1EP; op at J3A and TI5N)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: 6M Op, alternate tower base counterweight
Home QTH: North Reading, MA (FN42ln)
Profession: Telecom/Networking Hardware Engineer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 1973
Ham Activities: HF contesting, Dxpeditions, Public Service
Non-Ham Activities: who has time for anything else?
E-mail: k1ep @t
Most Exciting Zed Moment: That lightning hit on the old monopole
Best First Hour 6M Q Rate: June 2003 - 129 QSOs/45 grids
Web page URL:
Name: David Cipolle
Callsign (ex-call): W1SZ (WA1UGE)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: 2M Station, 10 GHz SSB, Fixing Stuff, Hanging from Towers
Home QTH: Newton, NH (FN42lu)
Profession: RF/Microwave/Digital Engineer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 1976
Ham Activities: homebrewing microwave gear
Non-Ham Activities: swing dancing, running, home building
E-mail: w1sz @t
Most Exciting Zed Moment: Working OK on 2M, working Philly on 10GHz SS
Least Exciting Zed Moment: Death of the 50W 10 GHz TWTA
Name: Bob Voss
Callsign (ex-call): N4CD (WB2KQL, WB9ABT, WB4WVC)
Home QTH: Plano, TX (EM13)
Profession: now retired, worked in telecom/radio systems engineering
First Contest with W2SZ/1: mid 1970s
Ham Activities: go play DX (TI9M, 3W2DC, TI2/N4CD, and very
into county hunting - been in all 3077 USA counties mobile!
Non-Ham Activities: Playing Accordion, Telegraph History
E-mail: N4CD @t
Name: Dana Cobb
Callsign (ex-call): K1RQ (K1RQF)
Home QTH: At the time of operations: Hinsdale and Peru, Mass. Current: QTH is Bradenton, Fla.
Profession: Retired AT&T Communications Technician. (I took early retirement 4 years ago. Would have 37 years service this year if I was still employed.)
First Contest with W2SZ/1: mid 1970's
Ham Activities: Contesting and DXing
Non-Ham Activities: American Civil War living history and reenactments. I'm a member of the 3rd Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A
E-mail: objoyful @t
Other: Anybody remember the year during the Sept contest we bought a
bushel of fresh picked corn from the farm stand at the bottom of the
hill and cooked it in the husks over a charcoal grill? Never had corn
taste that good before or since! Dana, de:RQ
Name: Carli Drake
Callsign (ex-call): N1CD (WB1BTJ)
Home QTH: Stephentown, NY (FN32)
Profession: Avon Ind. Sales Rep + Satellite TVRO
First Contest with W2SZ/1: Mid 70's before I was licensed. 1976 on 6m when I received my license.
Ham Activities: VHF, 6m, 2m & HF Army Mars
Non-Ham Activities: Bass Fishing/Tournaments
E-mail: N1CD @t
Web page URL:
Name: Mark Chamberlin
Callsign: WB2PKO
Home QTH: Plainville, NY (FN13)
Profession: Electical Engineer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: 1977
Ham Activities: Oswego County Emergency Communicators, Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club, mostly 2m mobile
Non-Ham Activities: (not much)
E-mail: wb2pko @t
Other: I work at New York Air Brake ( mostly in support of mature product, field problems, etc. It is not "Hi-Tech" but generally interesting, especially for a "big kid" who likes trains and locomotives.
Name: Rich Place
Callsign (ex-call): WB2JLR (WN2JLR)
Home QTH: Canandaigua, NY (FN12ht)
Profession: Electrical Engineer - Microwave Data Systems
First Contest with W2SZ/1: 1981
Ham Activities: HF-mobile, 2m-FM
Non-Ham Activities: backpacking, skiing, boating, travel
E-mail: place1 @t
Name: Fred C. Miller
Callsign (ex-call): AG2X (WN2FPG, WA2FPG)
Home QTH: Malta, NY (FN32)
Profession: Group Leader for General Electric for 34 years now. We do
the final assembly on 400 ton power generation generators for power plants.
First Contest with W2SZ/1: September 1981
Ham Activities: 2 meter FM, 40 cw and dabble with echo link
Non-Ham Activities: Golfing
E-mail: fmiller4 @t
Other: I have a lot of fond memories with Dick Frey at ESL working on
projects after work hours. Dick and I built the 220 power dividers and
helped to put together the azel mounts for the 220 array that WA8USA
built. The crowning moment was the EME contact made with it. A little tougher
with that than when we used the 32 ft dish on 432 and 1296!! Ah yes is the
white elephant still around?
Name: Mike Gardina
Callsign: W2ARQ
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 1982 (-ed?)
Name: Gerry Hull
Callsign (ex-call): W1VE, VE1RM (AK4L, VE1CER)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: One of the main 144MHz Operators, HSMS, scheduling
Home QTH: Greenfield, NH (FN42bw)
Profession: Software Engineer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 1982
Ham Activities: HF/VHF Contesting (mainly multiop), QRP, CW, mobile, Digital modes
Non-Ham Activities: sailing, computers
E-mail: windev @t , gerry @t
Name: Les Peters
Callsign (ex-call): N1SV (KA1DZV 1979-2000)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: AUX 2,3,5 & Microwave Man Friday
Home QTH: Townsend, MA (FN42dp)
Profession: Test Engineer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 1983
Ham Activities: HF/VHF Contesting, DXing
Non-Ham Activities: Collecting rare wine
E-mail: n1sv @t
Web page URL:
Name: Doug Sharp
Callsign (ex-call): K2AD (WB2KMY 1977-96)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: 144 MHz operator and co-band manager, 432 MHz (acting) band manager, lodging coordinator, general coordination and planning
Home QTH: Boulder, CO (DN70md)
Profession: RF Engineer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: September 1984
Ham Activities: HF, VHF, UHF, SHF weak signal equipment and operating. Repeater construction and coordination. VHF Contesting.
Non-Ham Activities: Skiing, Hiking, Biking, Photography
E-mail: k2ad @t
Name: Kit LaManna
Callsign: N2BNY
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: set-up/tear down, lot's o' leg work
Home QTH: Colonie, NY (FN32cr)
E-mail: dklamanna @t
Name: Sigurd Kimpel
Callsign (ex-call): KJ1K/r (KA1EOK, KA1LI)
Bands: 6, 2, 220, 432, 900, 1.2, 2, 3, 5
Power: 100 watts 6 through 900, 5-10 Watts 1.2 and above
First Rover QSO: about 1986
Home QTH: Pittsfield, MA (FN32jk)
Profession: Systems Engineer (retired)
Ham Activities: building equipment, some low band activity
Non-Ham Activities: bicycling, skiing, hiking and dancing
E-mail: sigurd @t
Pictures of RoverVan: June 2002
Name: Brian Justin
Callsign: WA1ZMS
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: Band manager for 903/1296, as well as 47, 75,
and 145GHz (as well as a fixer of broken crap!)
Home QTH: Lynchburg, VA
Profession: RF Design Engineer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 1987
Ham Activities: mm-Wave design, and solid state RF power
Non-Ham Activities: hiking, church
E-mail: wa1zms @t
Other: VUCC #1 and #2 on 47GHz, VUCC #1 on 75GHz, 145GHz record distance QSO
Name: Joel Glickman
Callsign: KA1PRT
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: Slacker
Home QTH: Troy, NY (FN32er)
Profession: Network Consultant, Professor
First Contest with W2SZ/1: 1987
Ham Activities: I think about it sometimes
Non-Ham Activities: Buzzing Greylock in a glider
E-mail: joel @t
Web page URL:
Name: Lance Lascari
Callsign (ex-call): WS2B (N3GIA, KE2NB)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: thumb twiddler
Home QTH: Rochester, NY (FN13fd)
Profession: RF/Microwave Engineer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: hmmmm not sure, long time ago, started as rover in 89/90?
Ham Activities: VHF contests, building widgets, (rare) HF mobile
Non-Ham Activities: Fishing, playing with dogs, writing software
E-mail: lance_lascari @t
Web page URL:
Name: Skip Youngberg
Callsign (ex-call): K1NKR/r (KN1NKR in 1960)
Bands: 50, 144, 222, 432, 903, 1296, 2G, 3G, (10G rig almost finished, still...)
First Contenst with W2SZ/1 / First Rover QSO: at RPI '64-'68, joined Greylock operations '89 or '90, first W2SZ/1 rover operation circa '97, independent roving (really amounts to casual, single-site hilltopping) since '99
Home QTH: Tyngsboro, MA (FN42gp), East Wakefield, NH (FN43mo) --both in topographic depressions!
Profession: Systems Engineer, retired Air Force engineer and program manager
Ham Activities: VHF/UHF/uW, finally exploring HF and wire antennas...
Non-Ham Activities: GPS, vacationing, ocean engineering
E-mail: K1NKR @t
Other: I'm one of Frey's successes, although he might not think so. Hated that first assigned rover operation--no instructions, no route map, no evidence prior to departure that the equipment worked, just a hard-fixed schedule to keep. Got hooked on uW! Amassed my own equipment (and worked as many other stations as possible) to refute the "captive rover" claims of Zed's competitors. Now there's one more station on the air than there would have been otherwise.
Name: Luigi Giasi
Callsign (ex-call): AA1AA (KA1UTU)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: Curmudgeon, Run op, CW fills
Home QTH: Boston, MA
Profession: Managment Consultant - Technology Strategist First
First Contest with W2SZ/1: September 1989
Ham Activities: Contesting, Station Planning, Some Public Service/Emmcomm. One September I skipped the VHF contest and won WAE SSB single op USA, #2 World.
Non-Ham Activities: Genealogy, Investing, Winemaking, Homebrewing
Name: Don Perley
Callsign (ex-call): W1UW (KE2TP)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: operate from nose length to arm length waves
Home QTH: South Burlington, VT (FN34jk)
Profession: IC parasitic analysis
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 1990?
Ham Activities: push the black knob on the end of the key
Non-Ham Activities: ultra-marathon cycling
E-mail: perley @t
Name: Jim Pierson
Callsign (ex-call): N1SZ (KC1ZN)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: 222MHz Band Lead and Coordination Haji
Home QTH: Denver, CO (DM79np)
Profession: Passive IM and Interference Analysis Engineer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: January 1991
Ham Activities: Field Day, HF Contesting, Building Stuff
Non-ham activities: Pilot, Hiking, Camping, Skiing, Running, Sailing
E-mail: jim @t
Other: Fat Tire.... Colorado's best!
Name: Kip Kostenbauder
Callsign: N2XRE
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: 10GHz & 24GHz, contest 60Hz manager, truck repair commitee
Home QTH: Hopewell Junction, NY (FN31cn)
Profession: engineering student
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 1991
Non-Ham Activities: Hibernating Hobbies(Beer Brewing,Rock Climbing)
E-mail: kip42 @t
Name: Dave Robinson
Callsign (ex-call): WW2R (WG3I, AA8AW, G4FRE, G8JMO, ZB2IQ, ZF1IQ, 9H3MX, EI4VCH, ON8QK, VR2EK, VK2IDR)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: operating microwave bands
Home QTH: Dallas, TX (EM13qd)
Profession: Cellular Radio Engineer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 1991
Ham Activities: Microwaves, DXpeditioning
Non-Ham Activities: Scuba Diving
E-mail: ww2n @t
Name: Meg Robinson
Callsign (ex-call): N2NQI (KB2NCP, M0FRE, G7FRE, 9H3MW, VK2TSL)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: adding an extra dimension to 6m
Home QTH: Dallas, TX (EM13qd)
Profession: Neurodiagnostic Technician
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 1991
Ham Activities: 6m, Microwaves
Non-Ham Activities: Making items from stained glass, Scuba diving
E-mail: g7fre @t
Name: John Barenys
Callsign: K2JJB
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: computer weenie, truck driver, fixer upper of things, rope puller, web master
Home QTH: Rochester, NY (FN13ec)
Profession: RF design engineer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: January 1992, I got to be the sked coordinator
Non-Ham Activities: rail photography, skeet/sporting clays, computers
E-mail: john @t
Web page URL:
Name: Scott Krone
Callsign: N2YCA
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: 222MHz co-band manager, what ever else needs to be done
Home QTH: Watervliet, NY
Profession: 2 way radio tech.
First Contest with W2SZ/1: Ask my dad (WA2SPL), I was too young to remember.
Ham Activities: Homebrewing, repeater building and maintenance (Mt. Top Assoc.)
Non-Ham Activities: What are those?
E-mail: n2yca @t
Other: I was part of a top secret experimenent in the late 1960's to create a new generation of super contesters from birth that went horribly, horribly wrong.
Name: Tom Mayo
Callsign (ex-call): N1MU/r (N1RMU)
Bands: 50, 144, 222, 432, 903, 1296, 2304, 3456, 5760, 10368
First Rover QSO: 1993?
Rover type: Long-haul
Rover Grids: FN13, FN14, FN24, FN25, FN15, FN03, FN04, EN94, EN93 (FN12, FN22)
Home QTH: Honeoye Falls, NY (FN12fx)
Profession: Digital Radio Engineer
Ham Activities: Microwave construction and roving, Goofing around on HF while mobile
Non-Ham Activities: Volleyball, Running, Working in the Yard
E-mail: tmayo1 @t
Web page URLs:,
Other: Roverlog (
Quick naps or a motel: Motel
Ever used the rover cup: Yes
Favorite rover spot: Canada
Name: Dennis Hudson
Callsign: N2LBT/r
Bands: 50, 144, 222, 432, 903, 1296, 2304, 3456, 5760
First Rover QSO: June 1994
Home QTH: Albany, NY
Profession: IT Professional
MGEF activities: Truck & Equipment Maintenance
Ham Activities: North Country Rover, APRS and UI satellites
Non-Ham Activities: Sailing, NASCAR
E-mail: n2lbt @t
Web page URL:
Name: Seth Seeger
Callsign: N1XSY
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: 47GHz kid, 222 Jr Op, general go-fer
Home QTH: Acton, MA
Profession: Floor manager (at a small science museum)
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 1995
Ham Activities: Fox hunting
Non-Ham Activities: Hiking, bicycling, computer programmer
Name: Art Holmes
Callsign (ex-call): W1RZF - 1996 (WA2TIF - 1961, W1ZLY - 1953)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: help in any way I can
Home QTH: Mendon, MA (FN42)
Profession: retired electrical engineer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: 1995
Ham Activities: HF contesting es DX, VHU/UHF operating and contesting
Non-Ham Activities: town government, church
E-mail: w1rzf @t
Other: W1RZF was my dad's call
Name: Tom Nelson
Callsign (ex-call): K1IM (WA8TTS)
Home QTH: Union, CT (FN31wx)
Profession: Science teacher
First Contest with W2SZ/1: 1996
Ham Activities: 2m EME, weak sig, contesting low band/VHF
Non-Ham Activities: Hiking, camping
E-mail: k1im @t
Other: 2 year + battle with town to place 3 110' towers on property. Now approved and waiting on building permit sign-sign off by ARRL vol engineer. 6/26/03
Name: Alan Vigiard (a/k/a Chief Wiggam)
Callsign (ex-call): K1SAV/r (N1XHS)
Bands: Active on all except 220 during VHF/UHF contests
First Rover QSO: June 1997 (as a "Rover-In-Training" with Sigurd, KJ1K/r)
Home QTH: Adams, MA
Profession: Police Officer/Investigator
MGEF activities: set-up and tear down, tower baseman
Ham Activities: VHF & HF Contesting, CW, QRP
Non-Ham Activities: Golf, XC Skiing, Amateur Astronomy
E-mail: code.freak @t
Name: Greg Mills
Callsign (ex-call): K2LDT(/r) (N2ZVI)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: 432 station assembly (the tower), roving to
FN 31,32,41,42,51
Rover Bands: 50, 144, 222, 432, 903, 1296, 2304, 3456, 5760, 10368, 24192
Home QTH: Rush, NY (FN12ex)
Profession: RF Engineer, mainly building microwave PA's now
First Contest with W2SZ/1: September 1997
Ham Activities: Roving, working with MGEF
Non-Ham Activities: moving rocks, breaking rocks, rolling rocks
E-mail: gmills @t
Web page URL:
Other: I hate rocks
Name: Andy Warycka
Callsign (ex-call): W2AJW (KB0WJO)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: Laser band co-manager, 222 Jr Operator
Home QTH: San Diego, CA (DM12kv)
Profession: Photographer
First Contest with W2SZ/1: August 1998
Ham Activities: Contesting (duh), former Rochester Institute of Technology ARC President
Non-Ham Activities: Emergency Medical Services, SCCA Racing
E-mail: andrew.warycka @t
Name: Tim Ertl
Callsign (ex-call): KE3HT/r (N3OEV, KB2LZA)
Bands: 50, 144, 220, 432, 900, 1.2, 2, 3, 5 Much is borrowed and/or home brew!
First Rover QSO: June 1999
Home QTH: Dalton, MA FN32
Profession:VP MIS
Ham Activities: Fox Hunting, 10mbit packet
Non-Ham Activities: single parent 3 kids, fishing, sailing
E-mail: ke3ht @t
Web page URL:
Picture of rover:
Name: Dave Rea
Callsign (ex-call): K2THZ (KB2YQE)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: Lightwave Band Manager
Home QTH: Rochester, NY
Profession: Electrical Engineering (Student)
First Contest with W2SZ/1: September 1999
Ham Activities: Light/Laser radio design, Foxhunting, VHF Contesting
Non-Ham Activities: School, Ambulance service, Photography, Camping, Web design, Driving fast on curvy roads...
Web page URL:
Other: I like pie!
Name: Donna Dietz
Callsign (ex-call): N2SZ (KC2EGW)
Home QTH: Troy, NY
Profession: Grad Student
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 2000
Ham Activities: W2SZ, N2TY, W2SZ/1, Troy-Albany VE Team, kitbuilding, would like to do QRP while hiking in the Catskills/Adirondacks
Non-Ham Activities: Math Teacher at HVCC and RPI, Swim Teacher with AV Starfish, Hanging out with KB1DDS, brother of Alpha Phi Omega (Epsilon Zeta chapter), keeping up with gossip from my friends
E-mail: N2SZ @t
Web page URL:
Name: Justin Seger
Callsign: KB1EKZ
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: rover, backup computer weenie, lightwave groupie
Home QTH: Harvard, MA (FN42)
Profession: Computer Science (student)
First Contest with W2SZ/1: August 2000
Ham Activities: contesting, fox hunting, President RIT ARC
Non-Ham Activities: volunteer EMT
E-mail: kb1ekz @t
Name: Jason Faulring
Callsign: KB2WLK
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: Lightwave groupie, 47GHz go-fer
Home QTH: North Collins, NY (FN02on)
Profession: Computer Engineer (student)
First Contest with W2SZ/1: September 2000
Ham Activities: President RIT ARC, foxhunting, digital modes
Non-Ham Activities: grease monkey, farming, snowmobiling, pyrotechnics & special effects
E-mail: jason @t
Name: Michael Robinson
Callsign: KB1DDS
Home QTH: Troy, NY (school)
Profession: Grad Student (Math, EE)
First Contest with W2SZ/1: September 2000
Ham Activities: W2SZ (RPI ARC), building antennas, HF contesting, QRP portable, weak-signal digital modes
Non-Ham Activities: Resotring defunct minicomputers/mainframes, boating, camping, generally enjoying life with N2SZ
E-mail: kb1dds @t
Name: Paul 'Pauley' Skudlarek
Callsign: KC2FQD
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: lightwave operator, all-around go-fer
Home QTH: Angelica, NY (School in Rochester, NY)
Profession: Information Technology Student (RIT)
First Contest with W2SZ/1: September 2001
Ham Activities: VHF Contesting, Foxhunting, Digital modes
Non-Ham Activities: Web development, jazz saxophonist, online procratinator (surfing, chatting, etc.), auto racing/hockey/soccer fan
E-mail: pauley @t
Web page URL:
Name: Buck Calabro
Callsign: KC2HIZ/r
Bands: 50, 144, 432, 903, 1296, 2304, 3456
First Rover QSO: June 2001
Home QTH: Schenectady, NY (FN32at)
Profession: Mainframe programmer
Ham Activities: Microwaves, to start!
Non-Ham Activities: Playing the viola, scuba
E-mail: buck.calabro @t
Name: Mandy Conahye
Callsign (ex-call): K2MLC (KC2JMW)
W2SZ/1 Responsibilities: 10GHz and 24GHz (tower set up/take down, operator)
Home QTH: Pleasant Valley, NY
Profession: Elementary education/pshychology
First Contest with W2SZ/1: June 2002
Ham Activities: VHF/UHF contesting, Learning the ins and outs of 10Ghz, 24Ghz and 47Ghz
Non-Ham Activities: anything outdoors, art/craft stuff, reading, spending time with my family
E-mail: mconahye @t