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"Will this Rover Site Make the Path"
As presented at Microwave Update 2000
- Download a PDF file of the presentation notes (1.86 Mb)
- Download a ZIP file of the presentation over-head slides (3.4M Mb!)
- Download a PDF file of the curved plotting paper (181 kb)
- Download the Elevation Profile Work Sheet in Excel (23 kb)
- Check out some of these links from where you can download map
DRGs (Digital Raster Graphics)
- A page by the USGS about where you can download DRG files
- A list of pages that have downloadable DRGs (these links came from a page originally done by Michael J Greger which no longer seems to be available -- if you know the current site please let me know - ED)
- And yet another URL where many (but not all) DRGs can be found free for downloading
- Here are some other related links:
- Matt (KB1VC) Reilly's Line of Sight Plot Server
- The Delorme Web Site... mapping software...
- The KA1GT Troposcatter program: Bob Atkins (KA1GT) wrote a program that calculates troposcatter loss by several different methods and also calculates received signal to noise ratios based on transmitter, receiver and antenna parameters.
- The great circle problem can be overcome by selecting some intermediate points along the path that are in fact on the great circle. A very long and detailed list of navigation formulas can be found at the following web page, including one for determining intermediate points along a great circle path. The web address is: http://prestwick.simplenet.com/aviation/aviaform.htm#Int or http://www.best.com/~williams/avform.htm