The AML S80PCSA Amplifier in amateur radio service
Welcome, this page provides some information about using the AMP model S80PCSA amplifier in amateur radio service. Specifically, how to use it at 2304MHz. As information becomes available about this we will add links to that here.
Here is what we have today.
Presentations/web pages
- Dick Frey's (WA2AAU) presentation from the 2006 Eastern VHF/UHF Conference (1.1MB PDF file or 2.3MB MS Word file with slightly better picture quality) and the power point presentation (5.5MB) as well.
- A link to Jeff's (WA1HCO) page on the topic.
Data sheets for parts in the amplifier
- Anaren Xinger 3dB 90° hybrid coupler: data sheet and 4 port s-parameters
- Anaren 10dB directional coupler: data sheet and 4 port s-parameters
- Anaren 30dB directional coupler: data sheet and 4 port s-parameters
- MiniCircuits ERA-6 amplifier: data sheet and 2 port s-parameters
- M2 Global Isolator number 094-039038-006: data sheet and mechanical drawing
- MRF19125 power transistor:
- RF2125P driver amplifier:
- 2125 data sheet
- some matching information in .pdf (325k) or .doc (152k) formats
- 2126 data sheet (similar part)
- RF5187 amplifier - similar to the RF2125P, so it might help match the 2125 at 2304