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[Back] MGEF: Pictures 1983 [Forward]

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Work on the 6M antennas begins on the monopole



The Elephant


Putting up the top stack on the 2M tower


Raising the 6M boom onto the monopole


Generic shot of the work on the hill


2M array on rotating tower, with capability for indivual rotation of upper stack


6M yagis mounted on the monopole


Assembly of the 222MHz 4x2 array. Behind is the 432 4x4 "bedspring" array.


WA8USA's first Volvo wagon, a 1978 240. Also the prior SHF operating position for several years.


The setup, antennas are in the air!


10GHz tower rotor



Fred AG2X and Mike W2ARQ atop the 220 tower


Bob WA8USA and Gerry AK4L (now W1VE)


Rich WB2JLR, Andy, and Dan KW2T



The setup as seen from the top of the monument (GREAT PIC)


903/1296 (? -ed)


Apparently the channel 19 tower fell over one winter, this looks like the replacement parts.


220MHz array



Sunset on mount Greylock


What looks to be one of the uW portables (? -ed)



High microwaves (? -ed)



Don K1DH


Dick WA2AAU on the Jan QST cover

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Page last updated: 30-Jun-2003 by K2JJB