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About Us

The quick description

The W2SZ/1 MGEF Contest Group is made up of current/alumni members of the RPI Amateur Radio Club, of Troy, NY, and other interested amateur radio operators from around the United States (we have folks from New York, Massachusetts, Colorado, Virginia, Texas, New Hampshire, Vermont, and more!) who every June, August and September, trek to the summit of Mount Greylock, located in the Berkshires in the northwest corner of Massachusetts. It is a four day operation in June and September, where we mount a full 15-band effort (6m, 2m, 220, 432, 903, 1296, 2G, 3G, 5G, 10G, 24G, 47G, 75G, 145GHz, and light). In August, we are set up for the UHF and up bands only.

Participation in the group is open -- all is needed is a willingness to do hard work, be available for the contest dates, and work as a team player. If you're interested in finding out more please feel free to contact us.

MGEF History/Information

[Sep02 setup]