First Amateur > 1km QSO on 403GHz
Hi all-
I'd like to report a new QSO on 403GHz that should be a new DX record for that "band".
Details of QSO:
Dec 21, 2004 at 01:27z WA1ZMS/4 worked W4WWQ/4
on a frequency of 403GHz over a distance of 1.4km.
W4WWQ/4 was located at: N37-21-13.7 W79-10-15.0
WA1ZMS/4 was located at: N37-21-24.3 W79-11-11.1
The weather at the time of the QSO was:
Temp: -7.8C
Dew Point: -18.9C
Relative Humidity: 41%
Station pressure: 1000mb
These weather conditions reslted in an atmospheric loss of 3.46dB/km.
The gear used for this QSO was the same gear used previously on 241/322/403 GHz. Signals were very weak on the W4WWQ end, while several dB of margin existed on the WA1ZMS end. The exchange had to be sent several times for W4WWQ to copy the CW by ear.
This new QSO exceeds our former DX of 0.5km as well as conquers the 1km barrier for amateur frequencies above 400GHz (except for visible light).
73, Brian, WA1ZMS
403GHz Picture
403GHz QSO Audio
You can listen to a an excerpt from the 1.4km 403GHz QSO (the file is a 11 second 243kB .WAV file).
Description: Pete W4WWQ sending "4WWQ K carrier"
For more pictures and information you can also look at the page with the the original 0.5km 403GHz QSO